[Koror, Palau, Marshall Islands; 07°20.4' N / 134°27.2'E]

Dawnbreaker, a magnificent 20 meter Swedish yacht, arrived in Palau just before Christmas in 2015.   Aboard was captain Lars and crew Kenneth, Darryl, Charlotte and Jonathan.  They had had the unfortunate experience of being robbed by a group of about 10 men with machetes and guns in Wewak, in Papua New Guinea.  They lost all their computers, cameras, money and even shoes to these thugs.  Luckily there was on Sony tablet that was overlooked and we helped them to load software, charts and waypoints onto it.  To thank us, they hosted us for a lovely evening of supper, good cheer and lively conversation.  Kenneth, who has Italian heritage and is a foodie like Philip, was the chef that evening and this is the pasta he served us.  It's hearty and tasty.


1 lb. minced beef

4 12 oz. cans whole peeled tomatoes (Italian!)

2 onions, minced fine

1 clove garlic, minced fine

~ 1 cup white wine

olive oil (Italian!)

2 stalks celery, chopped

soy sauce (Chinese!)

dried oregano

black pepper


pasta (enough.  Italian!)


In a large saucepan, soften onion, garlic and celery in olive oil.   Mince tomatoes before adding.  Add white wine and simmer 2-3 hours, adding more wine if required.  Season with soy, sugar, pepper and oregano.  Fry minced beef until cooked, add to sauce and continue to simmer while cooking pasta to al dente.   Drain pasta and toss with olive oil.    Buon Appetito!  Kenneth